We Do Therapy DIFFERENT.
Get Expert care for your
problems today!
What are you struggling with?
You Don't Need to Suffer Any Longer
"This program has CHANGED MY LIFE! Big Heart's therapy program gives me a sense of control against this disease I thought was uncontrollable." - GS, Arlington
Parkinson's Disease
Vertigo and Dizziness
Balance Problems ** Concussions
Functional Neurological Disorders ** Stroke Dystonia** Constipation
Bladder Problems
Perimenopause and Menopause Issues Prolapse ** Osteoporosis and bone health Functional Fitness for 50+
Group Parkinson's Exercise Classes

How to take control...
Working with us is simple and straightforward..and you can start right now! We're just a call away from answering any questions you have and will help take control of your life.

1. Call and Schedule
Talk with a real, live person on the phone. Get scheduled for a consultation and let the journey begin.

2. Set up a Wellness Plan
On your first visit, we thoroughly assess your physical, cognitive and overall health/lifestyle levels. From there, we help you build a LIFESTYLE rather than just a rehab goal.

3. Experience continuous EMPOWERMENT and surpass your goals.
We're here to help you improve your journey, not stick to the same path. If continual progress is what you are looking for, then Big Heart is the place for you!

Top 10 Reasons to Choose Big Heart Wellness
for Your Neurological or Pelvic Health Care
1. We believe in maximizing your FULL HEALTH POTENTIAL.
Neurological and pelvic health problems are complex in nature and require attention to immediate symptomatic complaints, but also lifestyle factors and may need ongoing guidance outside of a brief therapy episode. At Big Heart, we will continue to guide you even after your initial therapy episode to truly effect overall change.
2. We Provide Personalized Care, Not a Cookie Cutter Protocol.
We don't believe a protocol is the best care someone can receive. While some protocols can be useful for some people, in some situations, for some symptoms, they really just can't address all of the variable symptoms that someone may experience. Our treatments are designed to best help YOU based on your NEEDS and overall assessment.
3. You need more than just LSVT Big....
Parkinson's involves more than MOTOR symptoms; it even involves muscles that most people can't see. We provide holistic assessments and treatment; including but not limited lifestyle modifications, nutrition, pelvic health, cognitive training, fall risk assessment and training and more! Movement is medicine and that means you cannot end your growth just as soon as you get started. We will set you on the right path to continue your journey through life.
4. We Are a Community.
We are not just another outpatient rehabilitation facility, we are a community. We believe that being social and part of a group is another key element to staying healthy and finding fullfilment in your life. Accountability is key to longterm success. Our Client Ambassador, Shirley, keeps everyone engaged.
5. We exercise for REAL LIFE.
We provide exercise to prepare you for real life and not just the gym. We want you to be able to go home and out into your community functioning as well as you do in the gym.

6.Your COGNITIVE FITNESS is just as important as your physical fitness.
We believe that your cognitive fitness is just as important as your physical fitness. With our skilled team of therapists and coaches, we train your brain to stay active and healthy through problem-solving, dual-tasking, and coordination.
7. We believe that "maintenance" is a dirty word; if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.
To us, “maintenance” is a dirty word. You will be challenged so you can continue to change and grow as you continue to learn how to live your life to the fullest.
8. You deserve a TRUE SPECIALIST.
You deserve a true specialist in neurological and geriatric health (including pelvic health, balance, bone health, fall prevention...) VS just treating “anything.” Our team of therapists can provide you with the education you have been looking for along with the appropriate wellness treatment.
9. We believe in lifestyle modification wellness as a part of your care, instead of focusing on just what we can do for you.
We believe in lifestyle modification wellness as part of your care instead of focusing on just what we can do for you. This is your life and it is important to our team to help you achieve your goals.
10. You can't live life with your grandkids if you live life in your recliner.
You cannot live life with your grandkids if you live your life in a recliner. We are the cheerleaders you need to help get you active again and get back to what really matters most to you.